Mk5 now in East Sussex

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Location: East Sussex

Mk5 now in East Sussex

Post by bexxxhill »

So, after many years, I'm back in Davrian ownership... of the Mk5 flavour.
She's been off the road for a number of years, as she was raced by Mick Gallery, so I have some work to do. There's no working brake lights nor indicators, and the tyres are dead, but these should be sorted soon.
So here she is DI5/5084.
Upgraded to adjustable suspension all round and discs front and rear. Mick's company has designed and installed thicker heavy duty race driveshafts, with onboard UJs in place of the rotoflex.
Plans other than trying to wire in the brake lights and indicators, are to create a new dashboard and upgrade lighting to brighter LED... wish me luck
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Re: Mk5 now in East Sussex

Post by cheeser »

Certainly looks an interesting car with some good mods. I see you are looking to run it on the road so am interested to know what type of handbrake it has, or you are fitting? Good luck with all the work you intend to do.
Posts: 10
Joined: Fri May 13, 2011 3:49 pm
Location: East Sussex

Re: Mk5 now in East Sussex

Post by bexxxhill »

She has a hydraulic handbrake atm.

I'm slowly working my way around things that need sorting. I've sorted the lack of indicators, and now replacing the fuel pump, and having a speedo cable made up as existing is about 5" short for some reason.

Loving working on her.
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